My vision is for every human being to live up to their fullest potential through following their own individual evolution directive.

By tapping into our own internal compass, we become the creators of our lives. When we free ourselves from the collective narrative and begin deliberately responding to the Universe, we open up a whole new world of possibility.

"I know for sure that we each contribute to the whole of what it means to be a human on earth. The fullness of our humanity can be expressed only when we are true to ourselves. Your real job on earth is to become more of who you really are. To live to the highest degree what is pure, what is honest, what is natural, what feels like the real you.

Anything less is a faked life.

To be authentic is the highest form of praise. You're fulfilling your mission and purpose on earth when you honor the real you."

- Oprah

Hi, I’m Heather!

I believe we are each born with innate gifts we are meant to share with the world. However, as we "learn" how to be human, our natural brilliance often winds up buried beneath layers of conditioning.

Your Individual EvoLution Directive, or YIELD, is a product of my own journey back to myself. After years of trying to do things the way they are "supposed" to be done, I finally discovered that this life is not about how well you can follow the rules, but about sharing your unique gifts with the world.

I look forward to supporting you along your evolutionary journey!